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Friday, June 3, 2011

7th - 10th commandment

Okay. Before I started typing these texts, I was thinking how lame my past few posts were... So I'm going to explain the last 4 commandments so that I can go through some more elaborate topics.. :)

The seventh commandment is not to commit adultery. At first glance, it would be confusing how scriptures tells us that every one has sinned all of the commandments when many of us (myself included :D) have never slept with another person aside from his/her wife/husband, so what now? (Note that I do not have a wife YET, hahaha) Well, if you read Matthew 5:27-28, it pretty much explains it all, right? To be honest, I've been victim of this too, so don't worry if you guys are getting too guilty about thinking dirty towards the person in front of you. :D. It is however, very clear that this is adultery and very very wrong.I really thought that adultery was the commandment (along with not killing) that i wouldn't break but I guess I was wrong, lol.. :), so are you an adulterer? :D (what a terrifying question and the worst part is, you have to say yes! )

The next one is not to steal. This one, like most of the commandments, is pretty obvious, don't you think? :D. One thing to note about this one is that the value of the stolen object is irrelevant. It may have been a candy, pencil, paper or someone's heart (yeah, I'm talking to you, *#$%^*!, and God too of course, hahaha :D) as long as you took it then you're a thief... Another thing to note is that stealing is also claiming implicitly or explicitly something as your own, like plagiarism, piracy or saying the phrase: "He wouldn't mind if i take this" or "He wouldn't care if this was lost" (these are just examples, you know what I'm talking about).

To lie. It's very convenient but it's the act that the next commandment tell us not to do. Of course, everyone knows what lying is.An obvious example of lying is telling someone that you won a contest when in fact you didn't. And I'm sure you would be lying if you say that you don't lie or you don't know what are lies and not lies. :). Another thing that I want to point out is that white lies are still lies. You claim that for the good of that person, you lie and not tell him/her the truth and yet you are leaving the fact while you are saving this person the pain of knowing the truth, you are also neglecting God and hurting His feelings that you are breaking some (I say this because you would also be breaking other commandments) of His commandments. And for that, all kinds of lies or deception is accountable to this commandment. Although if you had no prior knowledge that it was a lie and you outrightly proclaimed it, then you did not lie hence the commandment which is not to bear false witness but declared something incorrectly(though it is your job to discern what is supposed to be assumed and what is to be concluded). In conclusion, you can ask your conscience what you think is a lie.. :)

There is a distinction between jealousy and envy, you know. Anyway, the next commandment tells us not to covet other people's cows. So if you don't have a cow, i suppose you can't be coveted then? :D. Getting back to the topic, everyone desires something or anything material and when someone else has it we tend to become jealous (admit it, everyday everybody is jealous of somebody even God Himself... :D). The sin is being envious of that person. Although it is very very very (ten hours later) very normal to be jealous of somebody, the moment you plot to do something bad to the person or want something to happen bad to happen to him/her or the like then that's where the sin comes. Your lust for that material, physical, spiritual or whatever it is will make you hate the person and in turn will make you sin more.

And that's the end of it. If you have comments please put them in the search box. No, I was joking. You know where to put them. :), So you got an answer for the Good Person test? Are you a good person? And if you answered no (and seriously, i know that you're gonna say no) then you might want to read my first post. So till next time! Toodles! (so gay. -.-)

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