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Friday, December 24, 2010


This is a special blog where I will be discussing about Christmas,since it's just a days away...:D
Before anything, I want to ask you about what's the climax of a birthday celebration? Yes, of course it's the 'pin-the-tail on the donkey' game, but aside from that, it's the cake isn't it? Okay, moving on...

So, what is Christmas?

Well, when I was a child, people used to say that Christmas is the time for giving,sharing, loving and etc. But is it really about that? Well, Is it about Santa (Childish) ? Santa doesn't even exist... -_-

There might be some idiot who'll say "Oh, I know, it's when Jesus was born!", and yet you do not even follow your traditions for a normal birthday. You claim that that day was the day Jesus was born (This is just a date set by the Roman Catholic Church, it isn't really precise and accurate) but you haven't even done anything to prove to anyone ESPECIALLY to God that you really are remembering His birthday...

Some of you may say that I'm against Christmas and like I'm not in to the holiday spirit. That's because there is no holiday spirit(Well, there is anyway) and being festive and abounding in love for the wrong reason is just plain stupidity. This should be the day when we remember Christ and how God sent Him to become the Saviour of a worthless world that shunned even it's own Saviour...

Did you know that gift giving was based on Revelations when the prophet was killed and people rejoiced and started exchanging gifts? Well, I'm not really sure if that's the truth, but still, my point is people tend to do what their forefathers did without discerning if what their progenitors did were actually biblically based. Not that Jesus' birth date was in the Bible, but you get the point don't you?

Now, I've been receiving messages via Facebook and cellphone saying "Merry Christmas". What they should be saying is "Today's Jesus' B-day!". Yet I don't hear that, I'm very disturb when I see people being misguided and being deceived o what Christmas really is. Especially television shows portraying the true meaning of Christmas without Christ. Well, without Christ you have 'mas' and that word means "not asked of God" (because 'sam' means asked of God). So where do YOU get the gall to greet "Merry Christmas" when you haven't even greeted Jesus "Happy Birthday"??

Note that I'm not insulting you, I'm just saying what is really the truth. If you blindly reject this message, well, you blindly reject the message but I urge you to read again and think for a moment before deciding.

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