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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hell's best kept secret

Fact: Up to 80-90 percent of people deciding to accept Christ backslide.

This is an obvious effect of modern evangelism. Modern evangelism tells us that if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we will have peace, love, joy and fulfillment in life. Is that true? or untrue? Let me explain why, in the first place we need a 'Saviour' or a 'Messiah' as the Jews called Him.

When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they forfeited everything they had and was forced to leave the garden of Eden. Eve soon bore a son, thus passing down the original sin. Years and years passed and people sinned and sinned. Let's pause awhile here.

So what is sin? Is sin determined by what people (By people I include even good people. ) think is bad? Is saying bad words bad (Is this redundant? ^^)? What are bad words? What justifies wrong actions? Who decides what is right and wrong? Why am I asking so many questions?

Let me answer the first question.

In Romans 7:7, Paul said: "I have not known sin, but by the law".What then is the law? The ten commandments, of course!

If you don't know  the ten commandments (which I doubt) here it is:

1. Thou shalt not have any other gods besides me.
2. Thou shalt not make for thyself any graven image.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4. Remember to keep the Sabbath holy.
5. Honor thy mother and father.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10. Thou shalt not covet.

So, did you commit any of these? You'll probably say that you haven't committed some of these, like number six and seven, I mean come on, you're a murderer and a rapist!? However, I will illustrate them in my next blogs. Bottom line is you committed atleast one if not all of them EVERYDAY.

So if you face God on judgement day, will you be innocent or guilty? Even a child should know the answer, hahaha (no, not really). You're guilty of course! You will go to hell and suffer for all eternity. You will pay for your sins justly because you have broken the law. I am not going to say this again or atleast I'm not going to repeat this over and over again because I don't want to discourage you and make you afraid, but if you have sinned you will go to hell... So everybody's going to hell?

Nay (I always wanted to use this word, ^^). Let us read John 3:16:

                   For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.

Two thousand years earlier, Jesus Christ died for our sins, so that whoever puts his faith on Him, shall be guilty no longer. This is why, He is a Saviour and our Messiah. If you are curious about this, I suggest you start reading the gospel of John... (yes, i was paid to advertise the gospel of john)

So, everybody's going to say: "I know that already". But do you know why you should follow Christ? It is because He gave His life for you and all you do is "go to church". You think you are saved because you are always present in church and you do all the gibberish that the world says are good but there is no salvation if there is no repentance. I'll give you an illustration:

Two men are on board a plane en route to (uhhhm...) Gotham City (I like batman). So there they sit on their respected seats and suddenly someone gives passenger A a parachute and tells  him that it would improve his flight. So wondering, how a parachute would improve his flight (it really doesn't, trust me, i tried.:D), he puts it on just to thirst his curiosity. So what does he get? Of course, everyone laughs at him and calls him names and stuff (Of course, people laugh at him, who wears a parachute on a plane?!). The weight of the parachute bothers him and he can't sit comfortably. That's why, after a few moments, being tired of all his misery, takes off the parachute, cursing it for ruining his flight.

Now there was another person who gave passenger B a parachute. But listen or rather read on as to what he was told. He told passenger B that later on, he'll be jumping out of the plane! 25,000 ft! That's higher than my refrigerator! So of course he puts on the parachute and no matter how hard people laugh at him, he clings on to the parachute because he knows what will happen if he doesn't. As a matter of fact, he even shares to everybody in the plane to get a parachute because of that jump.

So, you get my point? Believing in Jesus Christ doesn't make our lives easier or more comfortable anyway, actually it makes our lives filled with persecutions and trials(only lawyers like trials), but in everything He is there to help us. There are three (this is debatable; not my point anyway) kinds of people there:

1. The one who doesn't want to wear the parachute.
2. The one who wears the parachute.
3. The one who knows that persecution will come if he wears the parachute and decides to wear the parachute when the jump comes.

Number three is the most important. Are you number three? or number 2? If you are number 1, please follow my blogs, and I will help you through your problems...:D

P.S. Sorry if this blog was so long, I'll try to shorten my blogs next time, since nobody in our present day likes reading anything long (it reminds them of school..:D)

I acknowledge that this message is primarily adapted from Ray Comfort's message.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I believe there is a misunderstanding on my part here... I just noticed, sorry, I was making this in a hurry..:D...When i said following Christ would be problematic, I meant that when following Christ, there would be many trials, persecution and such... Sorry for the lack of diction..:D

  3. and there's another thing, when i said that number three is the most important, i didn't mean he was the most better off, i meant that he is the target of this blog, or my succeeding blogs.. :D

  4. Chill off, when you write, be who you are and you will touch people =D. You have a unique way of articulating your thoughts

  5. sori sir..:D, this was just an introduction lng kase eh, after nito, i really intend to put on the thoughts i've been longing to say for a long time..:D
